14 December 2021

5.00 - 6.30 pm


Bracknell Forest Council Logo


Councillors Bettison OBE (Chair), Dr Barnard (Vice-Chairman), Brunel-Walker, Harrison, Mrs Hayes MBE and Turrell

Also Present:

Councillors Brossard and Kirke

Apologies for absence were received from:

Councillors D Birch and Heydon


210.       Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.



211.       Minutes

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Executive on 16 November 2021 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Leader.



Executive Decisions

The following minutes summarise the recommendations made to executive members:



212.       Overview and Scrutiny Review of Community Infrastructure Levy

RECOMMENDED to the Executive Member for Planning & Transport that the recommendations of the Education, Skills and Growth Overview & Scrutiny Panel arising from its review of the Community Infrastructure Levy be accepted.



213.       Member's Equalities Working Group Recommendations

RECOMMENDED to the Executive Member for Council Strategy & Community Cohesion that the recommendations of the Member’s Equalities Working Group including the adoption of a Mayor’s Charter be adopted by the Council.



214.       Capital Programme 2022/23

RECOMMENDED to the Executive Member for Transformation & Finance that:


1          An increase in the 2021/22 budget for the existing Time Square Community Hub capital scheme of £0.140m for improvements to the Council Chamber be supported;


2          A Council funded capital programme of £9.309m for 2022/23 as detailed in paragraph 5.19 and summarised in Annex A of the Executive Director: Resources’ report, including the new schemes listed in Annexes B–C be approved for consultation;


3          The inclusion of £7.037m of expenditure to be externally funded (including £1.113m of S106 funding) as outlined in paragraph 5.20 be approved for consultation;


4          The inclusion of an additional budget of £1m for Invest-to-Save schemes be approved for consultation.



215.       Revenue Budget 2022/23

RECOMMENDED to the Executive Member for Transformation & Finance that:


1          The draft budget proposals for 2022/23 be approved as the basis for consultation with the Overview & Scrutiny Commission and other interested parties or individuals.


2          The Treasury Management Strategy and associated documents at Annexe E of the Executive Director: Resources’ report be approved for submission to the Governance and Audit Committee for a review each of the key elements.


3          The 2022/23 Schools Budget be set at the eventual level of the Dedicated School Grant income plus any accumulated DSG balances and additional Council funding of £0.182m.


4          The Leader of the Council be authorised to approve the allocation of the sums available for schools funding having regard to the decisions and recommendations of the Schools Forum and to agree detailed budgets for services centrally managed by the Council.


5          The Council Tax Base be set at 48,249 (Band D equivalents) for 2022/23 as outlined in Annexe H.


6          To fund identified one-off pressures from Earmarked Reserves, as specified in Annex B(ii).


7          The virements relating to the 2021/22 budget as set out in Annexes F and G be approved and those that are over £0.100m be recommended to Council for approval.



216.       Housing Assistance Policy: Enabling Independent Living

RECOMMENDED to the Executive Member for Adult Services, Health & Housing that


1          The Housing Assistance Policy be approved and reviewed by officers at 5-yearly intervals.


2          Authority be delegated to the Executive Director: People in consultation with the Executive Member for Adult Services, Health and Housing to:


(a)        Make minor amendments to the policy to comply with legislation and guidance.


(b)        To suspend the approval of any discretionary housing assistance offered in the policy.


(c)        To introduce new assistance to help vulnerable, disabled and older residents should funding become available.


(d)        To set the annual level of funding to be made available for discretionary assistance offered under the policy, in the first year of implementation to be set at a maximum of 15% of the annual DFG budget.



217.       Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Strategy

RECOMMENDED to the Executive Member for Adult Services, Health & Housing that:


1          Publication of the Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Strategy 2021-2024 be approved.


2          The funding priorities set out in the strategy which will inform the commissioning of support services for domestic abuse be approved.



218.       Council Plan Overview Report

RECOMMENDED to the Executive Member for Council Strategy & Community Cohesion that the performance of the council over the period from July-September 2021 highlighted in the Overview Report be noted.



219.       Sensory Needs Services Tender

RECOMMENDED to the Executive Member for Adult Services, Health & Housing that the Strategic Procurement Plan for procuring a provider (or multiple providers) for sensory needs services for Bracknell Forest residents be approved.
























For further information contact: Hannah Stevenson